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Product ID:
Subject: AMERTEER RF 2.4GHz Wireless Finger Ring Presenter
Content: Not working on Macbook Pro software version 10.12.6 (16G29).How can I set up to work with Powerpoint?
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Product ID:
Subject: Ms.
Content: I purchased an LNKOO bluetooth headset online. The package arrived already opened and missing the instructions. Can you tell me how to get operators instructions for this headset?
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AMERTEER RF 2.4GHz Wireless USB PowerPoint PPT Presenter Presentation Remote Control Laser Pointer Clicker Flip Pen

AMERTEER RF 2.4GHz Wireless USB PowerPoint PPT Presenter Presentation Remote Control Laser Pointer Clicker Flip Pen

Product ID:3
Subject: President
Content: I bought this laser pointer on Amazon. I put the batteries in and I press the laser, BUT there is no laser. I see the red light go on (like its working) but no laser. Also the manual doesn't look anything like the one you have shown in the pictures. And what is supposed to happen when I put the thumb drive in my machine - because nothing is happening. I know the batteries work since the red light does come on.
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Product ID:
Subject: Questiony
Content: Greetings,Your products look very nice. Do you have information about the laser pointer in your 100000135AMTUS product? What class of laser is it? How many watts? Thank you.Regards,-Edward
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