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AMERTEER Wireless Presenter, PPT Controller Presentation Remote Control Laser Pointer USB Mouse Clicker Flip Pen

AMERTEER Wireless Presenter, PPT Controller Presentation Remote Control Laser Pointer USB Mouse Clicker Flip Pen

Product ID:2
Subject: Amerteer Wireless Presenter, PPT Controller Presentation Remote Control Laser Pointer USB Mouse Clicker Flip
Content: I got one as a gift. So sadly I dont have a receipt because mine broke. The laser pointer doesn't work and it wont connect because the connect button broke as well. so now i have a broken one these gizmos.
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Product ID:
Subject: flip pen
Content: I buy this product, but my USB ports on my computer do not recognize the pointer, windows looks for peru says that the port "has hs304 driver" can not be found, what do you suggest I do?AMERTEER Wireless Presenter,Support Hyperlink RF 2.4GHz Powerpoint PPT Clicker Presentation Remote Control Laser Pointer Flip Pen
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Product ID:
Subject: Laser Pointer Flip Pen
Content: I buy this product, but my USB ports on my computer do not recognize the pointer, windows looks for SOFTWARE BUT says that the port "has hs304 driver" can not be found, what do you suggest I do?AMERTEER Wireless Presenter,Support Hyperlink RF 2.4GHz Powerpoint PPT Clicker Presentation Remote Control Laser Pointer Flip Pen
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AMERTEER RF 2.4GHz Wireless Finger Ring Presenter Remote Presentation USB Control Powerpoint PPT Clicker with Laser Pointer

AMERTEER RF 2.4GHz Wireless Finger Ring Presenter Remote Presentation USB Control Powerpoint PPT Clicker with Laser Pointer

Product ID:4
Subject: Dra
Content: Ol, bom dia Solicito e agradeo o favor de me enviarem o vosso melhor preo de revenda e prazo de entrega para fornecimento do material abaixo, ver link. pointer (AMERTEER RF 2.4GHz Wireless Finger Ring Presenter Remote Presentation USB Control ) Muito obrigada pela ateno prestadaFique bem.Isabel Palha
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AMERTEER Wireless Presenter, PPT Controller Presentation Remote Control Laser Pointer USB Mouse Clicker Flip Pen

AMERTEER Wireless Presenter, PPT Controller Presentation Remote Control Laser Pointer USB Mouse Clicker Flip Pen

Product ID:2
Subject: won't connect
Content: Hi, out of the box this remote will not connect to my MacBook Pro. Any secret here?
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AMERTEER RF 2.4GHz Wireless Finger Ring Presenter Remote Presentation USB Control Powerpoint PPT Clicker with Laser Pointer

AMERTEER RF 2.4GHz Wireless Finger Ring Presenter Remote Presentation USB Control Powerpoint PPT Clicker with Laser Pointer

Product ID:4
Subject: Sr. Quality Engineer
Content: Is there a manual, or something that gives any indication on what the battery LED colors signify?
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Product ID:
Subject: Dra
Content: Ol, bom dia Solicito e agradeo o favor de me enviarem o vosso melhor preo de revenda e prazo de entrega para fornecimento do material abaixo, ver link. pointer (AMERTEER RF 2.4GHz Wireless Finger Ring Presenter Remote Presentation USB Control ) Muito obrigada pela ateno prestadaFique bem.Isabel Palha
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Product ID:
Subject: Dra
Content: Boa tardepreciso da sua ajuda por favor, melhor preo e prazo de entrega para AMERTEER RF 2.4GHz Wireless Finger Ring Presenter Remote Presentation USB Control h em portugal algum que distribua?Isabel Palha(Departamento Comercial)JANS Informtica, Lda.(No Mercado desde 1997 20 ANOS)Parque Empresarial da ArroteiaRua do Barroco, N 214 C4465-591 Lea do Balio PORTUGALTelefones Gerais: (+351) 229578789 Fax: (+351) 229578783 Mobile: (+351) 934205132Skype: isabelpalhalinda
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Product ID:
Subject: Ms.
Content: Hello,I have an AMERTEER Wireless Presenter Flip Pen, and I lost the receiver. Is it possible to just purchase the receiver, or do I need to buy the whole thing again?Thanks,Bekky
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Product ID:
Subject: Broken Remote
Content: Hello I purchased this remote from Amazon: AMERTEER RF 2.4GHz Wireless Finger Ring Presenter Remote Presentation USB Control. I plugged it in to charge for the first time and it pushed in the contacts, so now I cannot get a connection to charge the remote. I can hear it rattling around inside the unit.How do I get it replaced? ThanksTony
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