Product ID:Subject: Online
Content: Dear Seller, Your product is not the front page of Walmart with the best-selling keyword [Shape Up - Fat Loss]. We can bring the listing on the front page of Walmart. Whenever customers search the keyword to buy the product, they'll find your product right on the front page, and the sales will increase. The front page ranking will surely improve the Item Conversion Rate, Total Product Visits, Ratings & Reviews, and Growth Opportunities of your product. The best initiative you can take to boost your organic sales on Walmart is the front page ranking with the best selling keywords. Your competitors' products are already on the front page and making the most of the sales! We can bring your product right on the front page of Walmart. This way, your products' daily unit sales will surely increase, and you don't need to pay any extra costs for paid promotion. No upfront payment. You only need to pay when you perceive your product appeared on the front page. Also, we can post helpful reviews on your Walmart products. To confirm the order, please ping me on Skype for 24/7 live sales consultancy and support. Skype: AmzGiant Thanks and Regards, JamesCEOFreelance IT